Monday, July 28, 2008

In the beginning…

I thought I was going to be the first one to start off my blog like this, but apparently not.

OK, so I’m no longer unique, but what you are about to read here is all about my life. The one of a mass of South African Boertjies with a lot to say and not all that much time to say it…

So here goes:

When Maria (Sound of Music) sang the following to the von Trap kids, she obviously had to start somewhere. My intent exactly:

"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start... When you read you begin with A, B, C.... when you sing you begin with DO, RE, MI...."

And I’ll add to the above: “When you Blog you begin with A, B, C…”

Do I still have your attention? No? Great, at least I’m not wasting your time;
Yip? Also Great, keep on reading, you may recognise yourself somewhere…

About me:

Middle-aged South African guy, one of those average ones living next door. Have a job, have a car, have a few good friends. No wife, no relationships. Because I treasure my own sanity. Been there, twice. Got no T-shirts, I gave all of those up with the last divorce. Have a sense of humour. Until you make jokes about me. Then I go “away”. My friends call it the “Cave mode”. But more about that later.

Beautiful teenage daughter, living with my first X just over a thousand kilometres away. At least I talk to her often. But often is not often enough in this case.

Why a blog?

In my profession I eat, drink, sleep and live Internet. Was one of those junkies who had my own homepage way back in 1996 when the net was just beginning to happen in SA. The slow, big unknown. So I had a blog in this space just over a year ago, but since the theme was of a depressing nature (divorce, lawyers and giving out lots of good money, and my T-shirts), I decided to hit “delete” and start afresh.

Want more? Well, you’ll just have to come back every now and then, or even better, just subscribe to updates from this space. Because I will try and make time to entertain myself here. And hopefully entertain you in the process…..

See you next time… When I really get stuck at the very beginning…

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